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  • Writer's pictureRevanth Reddy Tondapu

Exploring Mistral AI: A New Contender in the AI Race

Exploring Mistral AI
Exploring Mistral AI

Hey there, young tech explorers! Have you ever heard about an AI that can outsmart some of the best models out there and is completely free and open source? Today, we're going to dive into Mistral AI, a new AI company that's making waves with its impressive models. We'll take a closer look at what Mistral AI is, how you can use it, and why it's creating such a buzz.

What is Mistral AI?

Mistral AI is a French startup that's recently gained a lot of attention. The company is valued at $ billion USD and has released a new AI model that matches or even outperforms some of the top models available today. The best part? Mistral AI's models are open source, meaning anyone can use them for free!

Why is Mistral AI Special?

  1. Open Source: Unlike some other AI models, Mistral AI's models are freely available for anyone to use and modify. This openness encourages innovation and allows more people to benefit from advanced AI technology.

  2. High Performance: Mistral AI latest model is said to perform as well as or better than the well-known GPT-3.5 model. This means it can understand and generate text in a very sophisticated way.

Getting Started with Mistral AI

Before you get too excited, there are a few things to keep in mind. Mistral AI's models are quite large—think 20-30 GB of data. They also need a of memory and computing power to run. But don't worry; we'll walk you through the basics of how to get started.

No Browser-Based Product

Unlike some other AI services, Mistral AI currently does not offer a product you can use directly in your browser. Their website is quite new and mostly provides information about their APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), which we'll discuss shortly.

Running Mistral AI Models Locally

If you have a reasonably powerful computer, you can try running Mistral AI models locally. A handy tool for this is a command-line interface (CLI) tool that lets you download and start different large language models. You can use this tool on macOS and Linux, and soon, a Windows option will also be available.

Example Setup

  1. Install the CLI Tool: The installation process is straightforward and similar to making a cup of coffee with a French press.

  2. Search for the Model: Use the CLI tool to search for the latest Mistral AI model.

  3. Download the Model: The model is quite large, so it might take some time to download.

  4. Run the Model: Once downloaded, you can start the model and begin using it.

Alternative Methods

If running the model locally isn't viable for you, there are other ways to access Mistral AI models. For example, you can use their official API. The API is still invitation-based, but you can request access and start using it once you're approved.

Performance and Comparisons

Mistral AI's models are designed to be compatible with other popular models, making it easy to switch between them. In tests, Mistral AI's models have shown impressive performance, sometimes even surpassing other well-known models in terms of response quality and speed.

Open Source and Innovation

One of the most exciting aspects of Mistral AI is its commitment to open-source development. This means that their models are available for anyone to use, modify, and improve. However, it's important to note that not all Mistral AI models are fully open. Some models are only accessible through their API.

Future Prospects

The AI sector is very competitive, with many companies vying for the top spot. While Mistral AI has made a strong start, they will need to continue innovating to stay ahead. The open-source nature of their models is a significant advantage, encouraging a community of developers to contribute and improve the technology.

Mistral AI is an exciting new player in the AI space, offering high-performance, open-source models that anyone can use. While there are some challenges, such as the need for powerful hardware, the potential benefits are enormous. Whether you're a student, a hobbyist, or a professional developer, Mistral AI provides a valuable resource for exploring the capabilities of advanced AI.

So, what do you think about Mistral AI? Will it be the David to OpenAI's Goliath, or just another shooting star in the AI cosmos? Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure: the future of AI is bright and full of possibilities.

The Mistral team has just released version three of their 70-billion-parameter model. This new release is quite different from their previous ones and brings some exciting features. Let's explore what this new model is all about and how you can use it.

What is Mistral's Version 3 Model?

Mistral's version three model is a powerful AI that can understand and generate text. It's a huge model, containing 70 billion parameters, which are like tiny switches that help the AI make decisions. This new model is available on Hugging Face, a popular platform for sharing AI models, and comes with several improvements.

Key Features of the New Model

  1. Extended Vocabulary: The model now includes a few hundred additional tokens (words or symbols), making it better at understanding and generating different kinds of text.

  2. Function Calling: This new feature allows the model to perform specific tasks, like looking up the weather or solving math problems, by calling functions or small programs.

  3. Updated Tokenizer: The tokenizer, which breaks down text into smaller pieces the AI can understand, has been updated to support the extended vocabulary and function calling.

How to Use the New Model

To use the Mistral version three model, you'll need to follow a few steps. Don't worry; we'll keep it simple!

  1. Install the Mistral Inference Package: This is a tool that helps you run the model on your computer.

  2. Download the Model: You'll need to download the model files from Hugging Face.

  3. Run the Model: Once the model is downloaded, you can start using it to generate text or perform other tasks.

Running the Model

After setting up the Mistral Inference Package, you can run the model by using a simple command. For example, you might type something like:

mistral_chat --path /path/to/model --max_tokens 256

This command will start the model and allow you to chat with it. You can ask it questions, and it will generate responses.

Testing the Model

Let's see how well the model performs by testing it with a few examples:

  1. Simple Greeting:

  • Prompt: "Hi, how are you?"

  • Response: "Hello! I'm an AI, so I don't have feelings, but I'm here and ready to help you. How can I assist you today?"

  1. Common Sense Question:

  • Prompt: "How many helicopters can a human eat in one sitting?"

  • Response: "It's not possible for a human to eat helicopters. Helicopters are machines made of materials such as metal, plastic, and various alloys."

  1. Math Problem:

  • Prompt: "What is 2 + 2?"

  • Response: "The answer is 4."

  1. Family Structure Question:

  • Prompt: "Johnny has two sisters. Each sister has two brothers. How many sisters does Sally have?"

  • Response: "Johnny has two sisters, and each of his sisters has two brothers. This means that Johnny's sisters are also each other's sisters and share the same brothers."

Function Calling Feature

One of the most exciting features of the new model is its ability to call functions. This means the model can perform specific tasks by using small programs you provide. For example, it can look up the weather for a specific location:

  • Prompt: "What is the weather like today in Paris?"

  • Response: The model will call a function to get the current weather in Paris and provide the information.


The Mistral version three model is a powerful and versatile AI that brings several improvements, including extended vocabulary and function calling. Whether you're a student, a hobbyist, or a professional developer, this model offers exciting possibilities for exploring the capabilities of advanced AI.

With its open-source nature, anyone can use and improve the model, making it a valuable resource for the AI community. So, dive in, experiment, and see what amazing things you can create with Mistral's latest AI model!

Happy exploring, and see you next time!

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