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  • Writer's pictureRevanth Reddy Tondapu

Part 6: Learning Our First Machine Learning Algorithm: Simple Linear Regression

Simple Linear Regression
Simple Linear Regression

Hey there, young tech enthusiasts! Today, we're diving into the world of machine learning with our very first algorithm—Simple Linear Regression. This algorithm is super important because the skills we learn here will also help us understand more complex topics, like deep learning and neural networks, in the future. So, let's break it down step-by-step!

What is Simple Linear Regression?

Simple Linear Regression is a type of supervised machine learning algorithm that helps us make predictions. But what does that mean? Well, imagine you have some data, and you want to find a relationship between two things. For example, you might want to predict someone’s height based on their weight.

In this case, we have two features:

  1. Weight (Input Feature or Independent Feature)

  2. Height (Output Feature or Dependent Feature)

When we say "simple," it means we're dealing with just one input feature and one output feature. If we had more input features, it would be called "multiple linear regression." But let's keep it simple for now.

Understanding the Data

Imagine you have a dataset that looks like this:

  • If the weight is 74 kg, the height might be 170 cm.

  • If the weight is 80 kg, the height might be 180 cm.

  • If the weight is 75 kg, the height might be 175.5 cm.

Our goal is to train a model with this data so that when we give it a new weight, it can predict the height.

Plotting the Data

To visualize this, let’s plot the data points on a graph. The x-axis will represent weight, and the y-axis will represent height.

  1. Plot the points: (74, 170), (80, 180), (75, 175.5).

  2. You’ll see that the points are scattered on the graph.

Creating the Best Fit Line

The main idea behind Simple Linear Regression is to draw a line through these points that best represents the data. This line is called the "best fit line."

Why Do We Need a Best Fit Line?

The best fit line helps us predict the height for a new weight. For example, if we get a new weight of 78 kg, we can use the line to find out the predicted height.

How Do We Create This Line?

The line should be created in such a way that it minimizes the distance between the actual data points and the points on the line. These distances are called "errors." Our goal is to make the total error as small as possible.

Imagine drawing a line and measuring how far each point is from the line. If we sum up all these distances (errors), the best fit line is the one where this sum is the smallest.

Predicting with the Best Fit Line

Once we have our best fit line, predicting the height for a new weight is easy:

  1. Find the new weight on the x-axis.

  2. Draw a vertical line until it meets the best fit line.

  3. From this meeting point, draw a horizontal line to the y-axis.

  4. The point where it meets the y-axis is the predicted height.

For example, if you have a weight of 78 kg, you draw a vertical line up to the best fit line and then a horizontal line to find the predicted height on the y-axis.

The Mathematical Equation

The best fit line can be described using a simple equation:

[ y = mx + c ]


  • ( y ) is the predicted height (output feature).

  • ( x ) is the weight (input feature).

  • ( m ) is the slope of the line (how steep the line is).

  • ( c ) is the y-intercept (where the line crosses the y-axis).

By using this equation, we can easily calculate the predicted height for any given weight.

Wrapping Up

So, in a nutshell, Simple Linear Regression helps us find a relationship between two features—one input and one output. By creating a best fit line, we can make predictions for new data points. This foundational knowledge will be incredibly useful as we dive deeper into more complex algorithms in the future.

Stay tuned for our next lesson, where we’ll dig into the mathematical details of creating the best fit line and understanding errors in a fun and simple way!

Happy learning! 🚀

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