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  • Writer's pictureRevanth Reddy Tondapu

Part 20: Exploring GraphQL Integration with Neo4j: A Step-by-Step Guide

Updated: 17 hours ago

Exploring GraphQL Integration with Neo4j
Exploring GraphQL Integration with Neo4j

GraphQL has revolutionized the way we query APIs by allowing us to request exactly the data we need. Combined with Neo4j, a powerful graph database, this duo offers an efficient and flexible solution for managing and querying complex, interconnected data. In this blog post, we'll walk through a hands-on demo using the GraphQL toolbox provided by Neo4j, showcasing how to integrate GraphQL with Neo4j effectively.

Setting Up Your Project

First, we need to set up a new project for this demo. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a New Project: Initialize a separate project where we'll manage our database and GraphQL queries.

  2. Create a DBMS: Under this new project, create a Database Management System (DBMS). Once the DBMS is active, open the Neo4j browser.

Inserting Sample Data

Next, let's insert some sample data into our Neo4j database using Cypher, the query language for Neo4j. This demo will use a small dataset containing movies and actors.

Sample Data Insertion

CREATE (TheMatrix:Movie {title: 'The Matrix', released: 1999, tagline: 'Welcome to the Real World'})
CREATE (TheMatrixReloaded:Movie {title: 'The Matrix Reloaded', released: 2003, tagline: 'Reload Before the Revolution'})
CREATE (Keanu:Person {name: 'Keanu Reeves', born: 1964})
CREATE (Carrie:Person {name: 'Carrie-Anne Moss', born: 1967})
CREATE (Laurence:Person {name: 'Laurence Fishburne', born: 1961})
CREATE (Hugo:Person {name: 'Hugo Weaving', born: 1960})
CREATE (Keanu)-[:ACTED_IN {roles: ['Neo']}]->(TheMatrix)
CREATE (Carrie)-[:ACTED_IN {roles: ['Trinity']}]->(TheMatrix)
CREATE (Laurence)-[:ACTED_IN {roles: ['Morpheus']}]->(TheMatrix)
CREATE (Hugo)-[:ACTED_IN {roles: ['Agent Smith']}]->(TheMatrix)
CREATE (Keanu)-[:ACTED_IN {roles: ['Neo']}]->(TheMatrixReloaded)
CREATE (Carrie)-[:ACTED_IN {roles: ['Trinity']}]->(TheMatrixReloaded)
CREATE (Laurence)-[:ACTED_IN {roles: ['Morpheus']}]->(TheMatrixReloaded)
CREATE (Hugo)-[:ACTED_IN {roles: ['Agent Smith']}]->(TheMatrixReloaded);

This script creates two movies and four actors, along with their relationships to indicate which actors appeared in which movies.

Visualizing the Schema

After inserting the data, visualize the schema in the Neo4j browser to understand the structure of your data. The schema includes two types of nodes: Movie and Person, connected by ACTED_IN relationships.

Using the GraphQL Toolbox

Now, let's open the GraphQL toolbox provided by Neo4j. This user interface allows us to write and execute GraphQL queries against our Neo4j database. (

Connecting to the Database

  1. Enter Credentials: Use the username neo4j and the password you set during the DBMS creation.

  2. Connect: Clicking on "connect" will open a new screen with two tabs: Type Definition and Query Editor.

Defining the Schema

In the Type Definition tab, we need to define our GraphQL schema. This schema describes the types of nodes and their relationships.

GraphQL Schema

type Movie {
  title: String!
  released: Int
  tagline: String
  actors: [Person!]! @relationship(type: "ACTED_IN", direction: IN)

type Person {
  name: String!
  born: Int
  movies: [Movie!]! @relationship(type: "ACTED_IN", direction: OUT)
  • Movie Type: Represents a movie node with properties title, released, and tagline. The actors field is an array of Person nodes, indicating actors who acted in the movie.

  • Person Type: Represents a person node with properties name and born. The movies field is an array of Movie nodes, indicating movies in which the person acted.

Building the Schema

Click on "Build Schema" to create the schema definition. This activates the Query Editor tab where we can write our queries.

Writing and Executing Queries

Fetch All Movies with Actors

query {
  movies {

This query fetches all movies along with their titles, release years, taglines, and the names and birth years of the actors who acted in them.

Fetch Movies Released After 2000

query {
  movies(where: { released_GT: 2000 }) {
    actors {

This query retrieves only movies released after the year 2000, along with their titles, release years, taglines, and the names of the actors.

Adding a New Movie

mutation {
  createMovies(input: [
      title: "John Wick",
      released: 2014,
      tagline: "Don't set him off",
  ]) {
    movies {

This mutation adds a new movie "John Wick" and associates it with the existing actor "Keanu Reeves".

Updating a Movie's Tagline

mutation {
  updateMovies(where: { title: "The Matrix" }, update: { tagline: "The Matrix has you..." }) {
    movies {

This mutation updates the tagline of the movie "The Matrix".

Deleting a Movie

mutation {
  deleteMovies(where: { title: "The Matrix Reloaded" }) {

This mutation deletes the movie "The Matrix Reloaded" from the database.

Challenges of GraphQL

While GraphQL offers many advantages, it's essential to be aware of some challenges:

  1. HTTP Status Codes and Caching: Traditional REST practices like HTTP status codes and caching do not apply directly to GraphQL.

  2. N+1 Query Problem: The nested nature of GraphQL can lead to multiple requests to the data layer, potentially affecting performance.


Integrating GraphQL with Neo4j provides a powerful and flexible way to manage and query complex data structures. By following this step-by-step guide, you can set up a project, define your schema, and execute queries efficiently. Despite some challenges, the benefits of using GraphQL with Neo4j make it a compelling choice for modern applications.

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