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  • Writer's pictureRevanth Reddy Tondapu

Part 7: Understanding Similarity and Cosine Distance: How They Are Used in Data Science

Math and Statistics for AI
Math and Statistics for AI

In the world of data science, measuring similarity between different data points is crucial for tasks like document classification, recommendation systems, and clustering. One powerful method to measure similarity is by using cosine similarity and cosine distance. In this post, we'll delve into the theory behind these concepts and then move into some Python code to see them in action.

The Concept of Cosine Similarity and Cosine Distance

Cosine similarity measures the cosine of the angle between two vectors. It is a measure of how similar two documents (or any two sets of data) are, irrespective of their size. The formula for cosine similarity is:

[ \text{cosine_similarity} = \frac{A \cdot B}{|A| |B|} ]


  • ( A \cdot B ) is the dot product of vectors A and B.

  • ( |A| ) and ( |B| ) are the magnitudes of vectors A and B.

Cosine similarity ranges from -1 to 1, where:

  • 1 means the vectors are identical.

  • 0 means the vectors are orthogonal (no similarity).

  • -1 means the vectors are diametrically opposite.

Cosine distance is simply derived from cosine similarity: [ \text{cosine_distance} = 1 - \text{cosine_similarity} ]

Cosine distance ranges from 0 to 2, where:

  • 0 means the vectors are identical.

  • 1 means the vectors are orthogonal.

  • 2 means the vectors are diametrically opposite.

Real-Life Example: Financial Document Classification

Let's say you are a data scientist working for a financial company. You have a collection of financial documents, but the company associated with each document is not labeled. However, by reading the documents, you can infer the company based on the frequency of certain keywords.

For instance:

  • An Apple document might frequently mention "iPhone."

  • A Samsung document might frequently mention "Galaxy."

Using the ratio of these keywords, you can classify the documents. Let's look at a simplified example:


  • Document 1: "iPhone" mentioned 3 times, "Galaxy" mentioned 1 time.

  • Document 2: "iPhone" mentioned 6 times, "Galaxy" mentioned 2 times.

We can represent these counts as vectors:

  • Document 1: [3, 1]

  • Document 2: [6, 2]

If a new document mentions "iPhone" 6 times and "Galaxy" 2 times, you can determine its similarity to Document 1 and Document 2 using cosine similarity.

Python Code for Cosine Similarity

Let's implement the above example in Python using the scikit-learn library.

Step-by-Step Implementation

  1. Import Necessary Libraries:

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
import pandas as pd
  1. Define the Document Vectors:

# Define the vectors for the documents
doc1 = [3, 1]
doc2 = [6, 2]
doc3 = [1, 4]  # Example for a Samsung document
  1. Calculate Cosine Similarity:

# Convert the lists to numpy arrays
vectors = np.array([doc1, doc2, doc3])

# Calculate the cosine similarity matrix
cosine_sim_matrix = cosine_similarity(vectors)

print("Cosine Similarity Matrix:")
  1. Cosine Distance:

# Calculate cosine distance
cosine_dist_matrix = 1 - cosine_sim_matrix

print("Cosine Distance Matrix:")

Working with Real Documents

Let's take it a step further by working with actual text data. We'll create a Pandas DataFrame to store the word counts for different documents.

# Sample word counts for documents
data = {
    'Document': ['Doc1', 'Doc2', 'Doc3', 'Doc4'],
    'iPhone': [3, 6, 1, 0],
    'Galaxy': [1, 2, 4, 5]

# Create a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)


Calculate Cosine Similarity for DataFrame

# Extract the feature vectors (iPhone and Galaxy counts)
feature_vectors = df[['iPhone', 'Galaxy']].values

# Calculate cosine similarity matrix
cosine_sim_matrix = cosine_similarity(feature_vectors)

print("Cosine Similarity Matrix:")

# Calculate cosine distance matrix
cosine_dist_matrix = 1 - cosine_sim_matrix

print("Cosine Distance Matrix:")

Interpretation of Results

In the cosine similarity matrix, a value close to 1 indicates that the documents are very similar. For example, if the similarity between Doc1 and Doc2 is close to 1, it means they are likely to belong to the same company (e.g., both Apple documents). Conversely, a value close to 0 in the cosine distance matrix indicates high similarity, while a value close to 1 indicates dissimilarity.


Cosine similarity and cosine distance are powerful tools for measuring the similarity between vectors. These concepts are widely used in data science for tasks such as document classification, recommendation systems, and clustering.

By understanding and implementing these methods, you can effectively analyze and categorize data, making your work as a data scientist more efficient and accurate.

If you found this explanation helpful, share it with your friends and leave a comment below if you have any questions. Happy learning!

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